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Have you discovered RS PRO Quality?
RS PRO, the own brand of RS Components, offers an unbeatable range of products across all industries with quality you can trust. Our products are audited against demanding international standards, inspected for durability and consistency and tested by leading engineers. Only when products have been through this process are they backed by our seal of approval. By providing quality that can be trusted on a choice of over 65,000 products across all technologies we make RS PRO your smart choice.
Featured products
LED Floodlights
Light up as the nights draw in with these LED floodlights, which use up to 70% less energy than halogen equivalents.
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NEW Test & Measurement
Explore the very latest additions to the RS PRO T&M range from digital inspection cameras to stud detectors & bench.
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Queue Control System
A simple and robust LED beacon based queue management system which can be operated by remote control or timed automatic change to avoid over occupancy.
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Complete Tool Kits
Whether your application is mechanical, electrical,
electronic or general maintenance we can offer you a high quality toolkit to suit your needs.
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RS PRO Seal of Approval
AUDITED in compliance with industry standards
INSPECTED for guaranteed quality & performance
TESTED by leading engineers
Discover RS PRO Quality
Audited, Inspected, and Tested. Becoming an RS PRO product is not that easy. Take a trip to our Quality control labs with RS PRO-BOT!
Discover RS PRO Quality
Audited, Inspected, and Tested. Becoming an RS PRO product is not that easy. Take a trip to our Quality control labs with RS PRO-BOT!
Which Protective Measures for
your workplace?
View the products required for you workplace.
From washroom to production, the office building and home working.
RS PRO Protective Measures Range
Hygiene and social distancing
Cleaning, janitorial and site safety
Home working essentials